Status: In Progress
Meet Adeline! She’s a wonderful young lady that brings a lot of sunshine to those around her.
Meet AdelineStatus: Complete
Eden is the sweetest little girl. She loves being around family especially her sisters. She loves toys that light up and she really enjoys music and books!
Meet EdenStatus: Complete
Trey is 13 years old and lives with his mom, dad, and two siblings in Nashville, TN. Trey LOVES to dance and can recite the weekly forecast at any time you ask! He hopes to become a weatherman one day.
Meet TreyStatus: Complete
Christina lives with her mom and LOVES to spend time with her sister. She is excited about her home modifications!
Meet ChristinaStatus: Complete
Dwaine is a funny, intelligent, and strong young man who enjoys spending time with his family!
Meet DwaineStatus: Complete
Sojoud is a happy young girl who lives with her parents and two little brothers.
Meet SojoudStatus: Complete
Zoey is a bright and incredible young girl who lives with her mom, dad, and siblings. She loves to read!
Meet ZoeyStatus: Complete
Georgia is a sweet young girl who lives with her older sister and parents.
Meet GeorgiaStatus: Complete
Joshua is a boy who lives with his mom, grandma and grandpa.
Meet JoshuaStatus: Complete
Ava Grey is a girl who lives with her mom. She needs some solutions in her bathroom to make it safer.
Meet Ava GreyStatus: Complete
Zola is a bright girl who lives with her parents, two brothers, and one sister in a two-story home.
Meet ZolaStatus: Complete
Lane is a young man who lives with his mom, dad and siblings.
Meet LaneStatus: Complete
Jazmine is a sweet almost 17-year-old young lady with a great sense of humor. She lives with her mom and attends school daily.
Meet JazmineStatus: Complete
Greyson is a 4-year-old boy who lives with his mom and younger brother in a basement apartment of his grandparents’ home. His grandparents assist often with his care. Greyson has several diagnoses that impact his ability to function independently.
Meet GreysonStatus: Complete
Torrian is 14 years old and was completing his 8th-grade year before starting high school when he was struck by a car while walking in his neighborhood.
Meet TorrianStatus: Complete
Shepherd is an active 8-year-old boy who lives with his parents, 11-year-old sister, and twin 9-year-old brothers in their two-story home in Fairview. He uses a manual wheelchair that he propels independently on level surfaces for short distances and will be receiving a power wheelchair soon. Shepherd has several diagnoses.
Meet ShepherdStatus: Complete
Carson is almost 6 years old and has a rare diagnosis. This disorder is characterized by mild-to-profound developmental delay and intellectual disability.
Meet CarsonStatus: Complete
Bree is a sweet 9-year-old girl with a rare chromosomal disorder that affects only approximately 100 individuals in the world.
Meet BreeStatus: Complete
Katelynn is a sweet and happy 3-year-old little girl who lives with her grandmother. She is receiving therapies in the home and is slowly learning to sit up by herself and creep on her belly. She is very social and her smile speaks volumes
Meet KatelynnStatus: Complete
Grace is 16 years old. She lives with her parents in a two-story home, but her living space is downstairs. Grace requires maximum assistance with all of her activities of daily living.
Meet GraceStatus: Complete
Yashu is fiercely competitive and loves bike riding, indoor rock climbing, and horseback riding. She also enjoys going to Nashville Predators hockey games, the beach, and live concerts. She loves animals and her dream is to work in a zoo when she grows up.
Meet YashuStatus: Complete
Spunky and full of life, Alexis loves dancing, swimming, riding her bike, hiking, and playing with her animals and her friends.
Meet AlexisStatus: Complete
Karrington enjoys watching NBA basketball (he’s a huge LeBron fan!) He also enjoys hip-hop music, movies, hanging with friends, and chillin’ with his nieces and nephews.
Meet KarringtonStatus: Complete
Kevin stays busy with his tablet and electronic toys. He loves spending time with family—especially at home.
Meet Kevin